This is an excellent reference for acoustic, sound and hearing topics. Descriptions cover everything from ambience and hearing loss to white noise. Great for junior and high school students.
ΓÇó Quick and easy navigation
ΓÇó Links to similar topics
ΓÇó Print features
(HyperCard Stack by Iverson Software Co.)
- Feature Program -
CardinalGraph 1.0
Advanced math
This is a powerful, easy-to-use math and graphing program. Enter equations and solve for X using the calculator functions. You can also graph equations to find intersections of y-plane, x-plane and more. Graph several functions simultaneously.
ΓÇó Seven zoom methods
ΓÇó Separate equation editor screen
ΓÇó View equations in Cartesian, polar and parametric form
ΓÇó Print graphs
(Application by Punchinello Development; Requires 5MB of RAM)
IQ Test
You is smart
Rate your intelligence level with this IQ test. You enter your age and the program asks questions.
ΓÇó Timed test
ΓÇó Detailed instructions and samples
ΓÇó Sixty questions
ΓÇó Graph shows how you compare to others
(Application by Chris Athanas)
Language Toolkit Reader 1.0.5
Language collection one
Read language books and lessons created in Language Toolkit Writer, included in this Volume. This program reads image files and sounds, and recognizes links similar to those on HTML image maps. By clicking on the link, another topic or lesson starts. It contains areas for notes and exercises.
ΓÇó Links connect similar lessons
ΓÇó Detailed sample book about the Polish language
(Application by Jacek Iwanski)
Language Toolkit Writer 1.0.1
Language collection two
No matter what language youΓÇÖre studying, youΓÇÖre sure to benefit from this great study aid. Create multimedia language books and lessons with this interactive program. Learn other languages with four lessons, including Sentence to Sentence (translating a sentence), Completing Sentences, Answering Questions and Voice to Sentence. ItΓÇÖs a complex program thatΓÇÖs easy to use with drag ΓÇÖn drop features.
ΓÇó Use multiple fonts
ΓÇó Use sounds, images, text and movies
ΓÇó Password protection option
(Application by Jacek Iwanski; Requires Language Toolkit Reader 1.0.5, included on this Volume)
Lunar View 1.3
Stellar program
View the current, past and future phases of the moon. Choose any day from 4,000 BC to 4,000 AD. Totally customizable.
ΓÇó Hide shadowed portion of the moonΓÇÖs disk
ΓÇó Display graphic only, or graphic and text information
ΓÇó Customize it to your time zone and hemisphere
ΓÇó Shows moon phases
(Application by Jeff Destross)
Math Bee 2.0
Helpful hive
Practice addition with this interactive math game. The Talking Teacher asks each player to solve a math question. The competition is exciting as kids compete for the highest score.
ΓÇó Grade report system
ΓÇó Large, colored menu icons
ΓÇó Multiple choice or fill in the blank
ΓÇó Customizable number range
ΓÇó One or two players
(Application by David Bagno; Requires a PowerPC, Speech Manager or MacinTalk 1.5)
MathHomework 3.4
Basic arithmetic
Solve and check addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems with this helpful program. Work the problems on the computer just like you would on paper. The sheet you start with is blank except for a resizable Answer column. Use the tool barΓÇÖs math symbols to build your equations.
ΓÇó Online help
ΓÇó Text tool lets you add comments, name and titles to the page
ΓÇó Timer tracks how long it takes you to solve individual problems
ΓÇó Up to three pages per assignment
(Application by Steve Smith)
Ronnie Resort 2.2
A great logic puzzle
Help Ronnie get from the hotel to the beach. ItΓÇÖs not as easy as it sounds. He must cleverly use the objects that are scattered about the game board to help him solve this maze.
ΓÇó Puzzles show how to use all the objects
ΓÇó Nonviolent, puzzle-type game
ΓÇó Use beach balls, inner tubes and magic umbrellas
ΓÇó Ten levels
(Application by Soleau Software, Inc.)
Sentence Builder 1.3
Scrambled words
Make complete sentences by arranging scrambled words into their correct order. Sentences range from two to eight words. Learn syntax, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation as you play.
ΓÇó Game format
ΓÇó Logs and prints grade reports
ΓÇó Computer speaks words of encouragement
(Application by David Bagno; Requires Speech Manager or MacinTalk 1.5)